English, asked by ASPARAGOS613, 11 months ago

Essay on We are archictect of our own faith


Answered by rathorekashish753

Man is given the ability to take decisions for what he thinks is right and what’s wrong. Whether he wants to travel this particular path or he wants to change course. This decision making power/process reflects man’s ability to build his own fate, that has a lot to do with what we believe or think of ourselves and the world around us. If we are of the view that this world is a beautiful place where every passing moment brings new opportunities for us, then surely we’ll be able to avail those opportunities and get benefits from them. On the other hand, if we perceive that everything around us is dark and gloomy, trust me, that is how we’ll see it! We won’t be able to see good things around us. The destructive aspect in our personality will overcome our calm nature and convince us to see every coming opportunity as a challenge or a negative confrontation. It will try its best to bring all our asleep complexes to life and turn our life into a living hell.

There’s this famous proverb ‘seeing is believing’. However, my version of this very proverb is ‘believing is seeing’. You are able to see or feel what you believe in. Let us consider a very simple example to prove this intuition. If a teacher believes that a particular student in his class lacks understanding skills, will he ever be able to make him (student) understand anything? Of course not! The teacher is supposed to trust his students and motivate them to do better by believing in their skills; not my building prejudices against them. Our every action and thought contributes in designing our fate. What we do or believe in actually depicts how our future is going to be. Even the colors we wear or use have effects on our mood and personality. Robbins et al. in 1988 proved through his experiment that red color produces anxiety whereas the color blue was recorded for depression feels. These colors also affect our thought process. If we’ve painted our bedroom walls black, we will feel depressed and unenthusiastic. On the other hand, if the walls are painted bright green or have yellow touch the overall scenario will be much more energetic and lively.

Mr. Qasim Ali Shah, the famous motivational speaker, once said that there two highly dominant emotions in man: Love and Hate. In love, man built Taj Mahal and in hate, he committed holocaust. Therefore, in light of above stated facts, it is crystal clear that we work towards building our own emotions and beliefs. We try to bring the thoughts lying at the back of our mind to reality. For example, if an employee thinks that his boss dislikes him and never appreciates anything he does, he’ll never be able to perform well. Because of this self-assumed prejudice in his mind, he’ll always look down upon his boss and hence, will be the architect of his own self-destructed life. Alternatively, if he had built a positive and encouraging image of his boss, it would have been much easier to impress him with his hard work and passion.

Cutting the long argument short, we have every weapon to turn our life into what we want it to be. It just takes courage and belief in one’s self to do so.

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