French, asked by NanaAkua, 1 year ago

Essay on what I do on Saturdays


Answered by AdorableMe

A day at the beach is relaxing, the amusement park fun, but neither is more satisfying than a day spent working in my backyard. Saturday morning begins on my back porch where I slip on my old tennis shoes, stained green from years of cutting grass in them. Three stone steps lead down to the backyard, where warm sunshine filters through the tall pine trees surrounding it, providing light and shade. The sun in my backyard is as warm as the sun at any beach, but without the crowds to wade through and the seagulls to scare away from my ham sandwich, I am able to enjoy it without distraction. Unlike the beach, when I'm done for the afternoon, I don't have to clean sand from inside my 1970 burnt amber Dodge Dart.

In the center of my garden.

Here the trees part and the sun gives full blessing to the grass, turning the water and nutrients I've laid down into a lush carpeting softer than any rug from the Orient.

As with every Saturday, I start by mowing the lawn. The stout aroma of freshly cut grass fills my backyard and will linger there until the morning. Once I finish, I take off my shoes and put them back on the porch, ready for next weekend. I like to walk around in the yard in my bare feet and wiggle my toes in the plush grass I've worked hard to nurture.

The hummingbirds and chickadees return to my haven from wherever they go when I'm making too much noise for their comfort. I listen to them as I rest for a moment under a large pine near the back fence. I keep a large glass of ice on the first step up to the porch, and as it melts during the day, I have cold water to drink. This beats a five-dollar bottle of water and a rock-hard bench at the amusement park any day.  

I spend the rest of the afternoon tending the flowers that decorate the raised beds encircling the lawn. My bare hands sift through the rich, dark soil I brought in one wheelbarrow at a time.

Answered by hyacinth98

Saturdays are generally delayed for me - in the washing machine with the new light, there is this satisfaction that looks through the serenity.

What I do on saturdays

  • Saturdays are generally delayed for me - in the washing machine of the new light, there is this satisfaction that looks through the serenity; hardly any more hours to curl under the sheets, spill out my viewpoints on paper, focus on myself, break liberated from the bedlam and booking schedules.
  • My Saturdays weren't generally this way, I battled for such a long time on what to do on Saturdays, I awakened as though I was on a long-distance race to finish every one of the ideal errands, work, and exercises which brought about making an expansion of stress continually.
  • However anybody decides to spend their end of the week, one thing would constantly stay normal and that is the way that ends of the week are extraordinary and having a blissful Saturday is critical to remaining your end of the week on a wonderful note.
  • Presently, you may be considering what extraordinary exercises you haven't taken on or peruse to have a wonderful end of the week or as an aide on what to do on Saturday.
  • There is generally mess someplace, and the most effective way to stay away from it from stacking up is doing a piece at a time. Little can go far! I begin with the room that I utilize the most. I begin with my garments and shoes.
  • I Take a gander at what I don't wear any longer and offer them to Thredup, eBay or I even give them away. Or on the other hand perhaps now is the right time to clean up the parlour.


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