English, asked by sevakazarsevak, 1 year ago

essay on which you were the victim of envy


Answered by nobita41
My Parents raised me well and provided every need of mine in time. Not many children born with this fate. My cousin Ratan was always felt envy of this. His father's income was very less and they had many financial problems. Once my parents bought me an expensive bicycle for my birthday . I use to ride it for hours after school and did not let anyone touch it. One day Ratan asked me for my bicycle which i refused. At that time I did not knew what was going through his mind. A parked my bicycle near a footpath and went to buy something from a shop. When I returned my bicycle was missing. I searched for it everywhere but couldn't found.After many years Ratan confessed to me that he was the one who stole my bicycle as he was envy of my good fortune.
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Answered by suhanisharma
growing up i  never felt jealous of any of my friends . on the contrary there were many of my friends who used to be envious of my  lifestyle,my grades, my achievements etc. but there was one time when i experience jealousy in its full power .

our school was hosting a speech competition and the topic given to us was "pollution" . i knew that i could easily win the competition if it wasn't for the new transfer student who was extremely good in oratory skills . i knew that he was a threat to me so i worked very very hard for the competition spending days on my speech and practice.

finally on the day of the competition the transfer student was before me . i heard his speech and instantly thought "i wish i would've practiced more" but there was nothing i could do now , so i went on the stage and gave it all i had.  when the results were announced i had come second and the transfer student had won . i felt  a wave of jealousy comes and go in an instance. In an instance,i felt surge of emotions such as anger, envy, sadness and  resentment. toward the new student . but i could not even blame anyone as his speech had been better than mine .

i decided to put behind my feelings and go and congratulate him . when i went to congratulate him he said " thanks and i must say i really liked your speech could we be friends i'm sure i could learn a thing or two from you;"

and at that moment all my jealousy and envy was washed away . 

hope this helps you ^_^!!
(the answer is 100% original so don't worry about it being copied from somewhere)

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