English, asked by Debi2207, 1 year ago



Answered by Geekydude121
Social media is any form of platform which helps human to communicate with each other. Facebook,Twitter and Whatsapp are different platforms which are categorised under social media.

In the present 21st Century,
Any person directly linked with social media will coin it as a blessing, boon, science's development and many more. 
 We can't stay much longer without checking our Facebook notifications, messages , posts or Whatsapp messages and calls. 
Even one minute of separation from this "boon" seems like a tough job. 
We are always ready for any challenges be it messages from someone ore even competing for getting more likes.
Yes , it is indeed a way to express that "Man is a social being". 
We stay connected with our closed ones. 
But back in time, leave social media, even technology did not rise more than a landline or a black and white TV.
Yet time spent and quite happily. People cared for their families and met their "closed" ones face to face. 
A teen in today's world will have many accounts in different social media sites and gain popularity, but in those days , it was for your friends and your talents which the world has been hungry about.
People were more of extroverts, nature lovers, cheered but now its more of
"#feeling_low" "#blessed" "#party_animal" and lot which I feel the reader can understand. 

Due to this reason, I prefer a world without social media because people can concentrate more on their work. 
They can socialise with everyone physically which is very much important for every human being because it has been seen that due to social media a child lying on her mother's lap talks to her mother through facebook than just speak! 
People can become the real "social being" if they can leave social media and really tries to live the world socially.

KnowledgeSeeker2005: Thanks a lot...this answered really helped me a lot on my school project...
dolly29agarwalgmail: Awesome
MRCOOLDUDE: very well written
MRCOOLDUDE: helped a lot
yadavjawahar25: Thanks again .It helped me very much , very very very very very very very very very very well well well well well well well written. It could help me to win a competition.
Vinamrata: Thanks
Vinamrata: help a lot
Vinamrata: again thankyou
dhruvmehta2710: man your expert in english and god
Answered by upenderjoshi28

               Social Media Is The Spice Of The Modern World


Have you ever eaten a burger without the scrumptious and spicy filling in it? Similarly, the modern world without social media would be as insipid as curry without spices! I would never prefer a world without social media. It would be a slow and uninteresting world! The IT revolution has made the world so convenient, full of ease, and smart. Everything is so easily available. Be it any information related to anything, be it buying online, be it booking any ticket online, everything is so quick and time saving.


Everything is available on social networking sites and platforms. There is not a single sphere or walk of life where social networking and media are not being used! Education, industry, finance, defense, teaching, learning, research, medicine, accounting, entertainment, internet, online teaching, telecommunication, media, and space research and exploration. It is internet and computer everywhere.


Internet and computers have created such an order in every field. They are so adroitly efficient in data storing and handling. They have made man's life much more organized, systematic, simple, colourful, and awesomely efficient. Experts and skilled personnel in all spheres are using social networking and media. From ticket booking to e-banking; from online shopping to e-learning; from working online to receiving emoluments for the work done online; from receiving your medical diagnosis reports to paying your income tax online, almost everything is being done using help of social networking and media.


I would like to narrate a personal experience in this context. Recently, I got an opportunity to direct a play for the school. After giving them training in dialogue and acting, I had to take my team of actors to a sound recording studio. I found the address of a sound recording studio using goggle search engine. After getting the recording done (which took almost five hours) we went back to our respective homes. The sound recording manager sent me the processed sound track through e-mail. It could be done only because of the social networking and media exchange facilities available on internet.


In conclusion, it can be said that social networking and media exchanges portals have made our life so smart and convenient. The progress of the civilization will be slowed down considerably in the absence of social media. 

SmitShah: Thx man you are a Legend
upenderjoshi28: Thanks for the appreciation...
desipankaj13: Very very very good ans
dolly29agarwalgmail: Awesome
upenderjoshi28: Thanks a lot ^_^
vishu141: Question is would I prefer a world with or without social media and my answer is YES, I prefer my life with it. But the important thing here to discuss is why I choose one. Before any analysis, we need to find what are advantages, disadvantages, impacts of social media in our lives and then we should make an educated analysis.

Any invention human ever witnessed did something good for humanity and later turned into a threat to the same
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