English, asked by nadiira8593, 1 year ago

Essay on yoga a way of lifr in 300 words


Answered by AngelicStardream
Respected teachers and friends, a very good morning to you all. Today I would like to share with you my views on yoga a way of life. You must have noticed that yoga has become very popular in the last few years with celebrities and Stars from Bollywood endorsing it. But what is yoga? Is it just the "asanas' and the "pranayam" or something more?

The word 'yoga' in Sanskrit means 'to join'. In simple words, we can say yoga is a technique to align our body mind and spirit for perfect balance and harmony in life. It is not just an exercise regime but a positive way of life. Along with the series of yoga postures and breathing exercises, emphasis is placed on meditation for the well being and happiness of the mind.

Yoga helps us to strengthen our body, remind regain our focus and improve our self confidence. It can be practiced by all age groups. Those who have embraced yoga as a way of life lead a happy, healthy, stress free life with increased tolerance and inner peace. They have greater control over their emotions.

We are all too busy, with no time for exercise or relaxation. The leading to lifestyle diseases like hypertension, diabetes, obesity, back and neck pain etc.. Practising yoga regularly can be really helpful in preventing or treating diseases. Yoga provides us with an opportunity to discover ourselves and our real potential.

Yoga is a 5000-year-old tradition of India which is relevant and beneficial even today. To increase the awareness about yoga worldwide, 21st June has been declared as the International Yoga Day at the suggestion of our prime minster. Let us all adopt this healthy way of life and experience real happiness.
Answered by batradanish62


Yoga is a system of physical and mental discipline which originated in India long ago. The word is linked to meditative practices in both Buddhism and Hinduism. In the latter, it also refers to an orthodox school of philosophy.

Yoga has many branches like Raja yoga, Karma yoga, jnana yoga, Bhakthi yoga, and Hatha yoga. But when most people talk of yoga in India or abroad, they usually mean Hatha yoga, which consists of certain exercises called ‘asanas’.

It can also include ‘pranayama’, a set of breathing exercises. Yoga is an important system of complementary or alternative therapy. Yoga teachers prescribe specific asanas and breathing exercises for specific diseases. Yoga has beneficial results in treating many diseases like diabetes, asthma, hypertension, obesity, etc.Yoga also helps maintain one’s youth and vitality. Yoga exercises help to control, purify and coordinate the nervous system. Doing yoga regularly rids the body of toxins, thereby improving general health. It also rids the mind of impure impulses leading to contentment and inner peace.

Meditation is a mental discipline by which one tries to attain a deeper state of relaxation or awareness. It involves focusing one’s attention on a single point of reference. It is an important part of many religions and it is practiced outside religion as well. Meditation may be used for different purposes.

They may include achieving a higher state of consciousness, greater focus, creativity or self-awareness or simple relaxation. Magsaysay award winner and former top police officer, Kiran Bedi, during her stint as IG of Prisons, Tihar jail, introduced classes in transcendental meditation (TM) for prisoners.

Reportedly, it made them more relaxed and peaceful and helped curb their violent impulses. Meditation can be done even while walking or doing simple tasks. It is also said to be good for lowering blood pressure.

please make it as brainlist answer

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