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Essay on Pollution
Pollution is a key issue that has been affecting our earth. Although it is an issue that has been prevalent since ancient times, in the 21st century its harmful effect has been felt on a large scale. Although the governments of different countries have taken several major steps to curb these effects, there is still a long way to go.
Several natural processes and cycles get disturbed due to this. Not only that, many flora and fauna today either have gone extinct or are endangered. Due to the rapid increase in the amount of pollution, animals are losing their habitat at a rapid speed.
Pollution has affected several major cities across the globe. A majority of these polluted cities lie in India. Some of the most polluted cities of the world are Delhi, Kanpur, Bamenda, Moscow, Heze, Chernobyl, Beijing among others. Although these cities have taken several steps to curb pollution, they still have a long way to go. The air quality of these places is poor and there are cases of land and water pollution as well. Now it's time that the administration of these cities prepares strategies to check these issues.
Basically, there are four types of pollution - Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Noise Pollution, and Soil Pollution. Let’s discuss them one by one:
Air Pollution: It is mainly caused due to vehicular emission of gases. Harmful gases are produced as a by-product in factories and industries, by burning toxic substances such as plastic and leaves in the open, by the vehicular exhausts, by the CFCs used in the refrigeration industry, etc. India has seen an increase in the number of vehicles on its roads. These are responsible for transmitting harmful gases such as Sulphur Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide. These gases are responsible for reducing the quantity of oxygen in the Earth’s atmosphere. They also cause several breathing problems, respiratory diseases, types of cancers, etc.
Water Pollution: It is another big challenge faced by humans nowadays. Sewage waste, wastes from industries or factories, etc.are being dumped into water bodies such as canals, rivers , and seas directly. This has resulted in a loss of habitat for marine life and dissolved oxygen present in water bodies has started disappearing. The shortage of potable water is a major repercussion of water pollution. People are forced to drink polluted water due to which they get diseases such as cholera, diarrhea, dysentery, etc.
Soil Pollution: A major part of the Indian population depends on agriculture. As a part of this job, farmers use lots of herbicides, fertilizers, fungicides, and other similar chemical compounds. This, in turn, contaminates the soil and makes it unfit for growing crops further. Apart from that, if the authorities do not dump industrial or household waste that keeps lying on the ground, this also contributes to soil pollution. This, in turn, results in the breeding of mosquitoes which is a cause of many diseases such as dengue. All these factors are responsible for making the soil toxic.
Noise Pollution: Apart from contributing to air pollution, a large number of vehicles on the Indian roads also contribute to noise pollution. This is alarming for those who live in urban areas or near the highways. It causes stress-related issues such as anxiety in people. Apart from that, noise from the bursting of crackers, functioning of factories, music played on loudspeakers, especially during the festival season also contribute to noise pollution. If not controlled, it can affect the functioning of the brain as well. Often, the day after the festival of Diwali it is reported in the media how the bursting of crackers caused an increase in noise pollution in major cities of India.
Although these are the four major types of pollution lifestyle changes have caused several other types of pollution as well such as Radioactive Pollution, Light Pollution among others.