English, asked by TheLostMonk, 6 months ago

essay: reservation,politics & empowerment.​


Answered by elenstudent365



Answered by Shubh9905
In fact, the word ‘politics’ was seldom used for a mass upsurge that saw millions of people sacrifice for the sake of freedom from imperialism and colonialism.

Many of the participants in this heroic struggle went through great hardships, were lodged in jails for varying periods and quite a few became martyrs too.


None of them saw freedom as the attainment of an opportunity to grab positions of power, though many of them became leaders by virtue of accidents of circumstances and by virtue of the sacrifices they had made.

However today, fifty eight years after independence, Politics has become a dirty world, the haven of the corrupt and criminals, opportunists who are prepared to stoop to do anything to grab or retain power. But there are indeed exceptions because of whom our democracy this thrives.

The parties release manifestos that promise the Possible on the eve of elections television set for every family, rice at Rs. 2 per kilo and not to be outwitted the HRD Ministry proposed 27 per cent reservation for OBCs in NTs and IIMs. What if the country is divided on caste and religious lines?


So long as you are assured of your vote banks, why bother about the integrity of the country? Reservation was introduced in education and employment for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes immediately after Independence and later for Backward Communities and much later during the VP Singh regime, for the Other Backward classes.

Neither the Government of India nor any of the States has made any real effort at evaluating and appraising as to how far reservation has made a dent in the socio-economic life of the so called marginalized and disadvantaged groups in society.

In Kerala, reservation was provided for the Muslim Community and Latin Catholics even right from the 1950s.

So much so that the then Kerala Chief Minister, Mr. A.K. Antony stirred up a hornets’ nest in 2002 by stating that Muslims in Kerala were more advanced than their counterparts in North India and that Muslims and Christians were more prosperous than the Hindus in Kerala. It was a bitter brew for many politicians in Kerala who wanted Mr. Antony to retract his statement though a few intellectuals upheld his views.


On the strength of Mr. Antony’s statement, will there be reservation for the so called forward Hindus who have now become backward? But will any politician or political party uphold any reality that will not fetch them valuable votes?

In a more pragmatic way, for quite some time, the just p a. Government broached the idea of reservation for the “economically backward communities” and a lone State, Rajasthan too mooted this viewpoint. Nobody knows the fate of this grand idea that metes out justice to all.

We, in India want every section of the community to get equal opportunity for education and employment and we strongly feel that none should be denied the right to a dignified life on account of his socio-economic condition caused not only by the inherited caste factors but also by such compelling factors as poverty that affects all.

Every citizen is entitled to the best possible basic education. This is not available at present though we have made the provision of primary education as a fundamental right. Enrolment is till poor and there is no let-up in drop-out rates as yet. School education still lacks the basic infrastructure — school buildings, availability of school text books and equipment at prices affordable for poor students, well-trained teachers and, on top of all, a curriculum that provides for a bright future.

In the era of globalizations, every child needs the kind of education that provides the base for his employability Reservation is not the panacea for all the ills that plague those who have not been able to reach the level merit required for admission in NTs or IIMs or other top level institutions.

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