Essay School life is the best of life. write your views for all against this statement
School Life is the Best of Life
School life is the best part of life. It is the only time we are independently dependent. Tensions are very few, there is hardly any work stress or a high target to achieve, no difficult responsibility to shoulder, no pressure of earning money.
School life is the only time of our life when we can be ourselves. We definitely are dependent on our parents but we are independent in our thoughts and actions. We can spend quality time with our friends at school. Sharing lunch and our secrets, playing games, acting in school dramas, participating in school events, enjoying the much awaited class picnic, eagerly waiting for our birthdays to share sweets and be treated as royalty are some of the best parts of school life.
Making new friends, quarrelling and fighting, running along the corridors, playing tricks on each other, to be scolded and punished are also some of the bitter sweet experiences we gather in school. Planning and executing Teachers’ Day is one the most memorable moments of School Life.
So in my opinion school life is the golden period of life. Once school life passes away we never get back those innocent, fun-loving, carefree days of our lives.