English, asked by SamiddhaSen, 7 months ago

Essay starts with 'I do bot believe in ghosts'


Answered by preetha5000jshebdbbx


told include those of phantom armies, ghost trains, ghost animals just to mention but a few (Schwartz and Chess 104). From these stories, children create permanent pictures of the ghosts in their minds and that keeps reminding them of the ghosts.

All the above makes people believe in their existence. However, I refute the claim that ghosts exist because apart from being told stories about them and seeing their images in the media, I have never encountered one. People should not believe in ghosts because they have never seen a real one and there is no enough evidence to prove that they really exist.

The person who initiated the creation of horror movies involving ghosts made the greatest mistake. Horror movies are watched across the world and after watching a movie involving ghost like characters, it is quite possible to keep dreaming about them (Buse and Stott 93).

There are countless number of cases where by people are heard screaming in the middle of their night. Some even get out of their beds and flee claiming that they can actually see the ghost. I have also experienced the same and got very frightened for that matter. It was so serious that I could not sleep alone and somebody had to be there to drive away the fear.

However, that was long in my childhood. Even with all this, I do not believe in ghosts because I have never seen them in reality. People who assert that ghosts exist because they see them in their dreams commit a fallacy of invalid analogy because whatever they say is not based on reality but dreams. However, some dreams tend to come true, a dream is not a true story but rather a false one.

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