The Relationship of my family and the community I live
Family is defined as a group of domestically relatable people with some form of kinship – either through blood, marriage, or adoption. The earliest signs of loving and caring relationships that we pick up are from our families.
"Family" includes siblings and parents, as well as relatives who one may or may not interact with every day,such as cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and stepparents.
Young ones experience world as an environment of relationships, and these could go a long way in affecting various aspects of their development, as for them, the world is full of experiences. As they mature, family relationships overpower all areas of their progress - thinking, social, emotional, physical, behavioral and moral.Stable…show more content…
Likewise, family members must accept that they each have their own personalities, qualities and vested interests. Everyone plays an equally important role in the family. Any conflict .is resolved in a positive and amicable manner. Family members acknowledge each other's accomplishments and don’t hesitate in showering all their appreciation for other members.
c) Spending quality time together:
One characteristic common to all healthy families is the habit of spending time, doing enjoyable activities together in the process. They revel in seeing other members grow and value moments spent with each other. Such families tend to select activities that promote family as being important, helping the family to grow closer. These activities pave the way for family traditions, such as sharing meals together, weekend outings plan or playing sports together.