English, asked by Anonymous, 10 months ago

essay "throw light on life of M.K Gandhi" English essay​


Answered by khaninayath302


Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, who is also know as Mahatma Gandhi or “bapu” was the leader of Indian nationalism who was born on October 2nd, 1869, at Porbandar in the state of Gujarat, India. He was born in the moderate wealthy family and he was the youngest child in the family of one sister and three brothers. Also, he was born into political and religious belief family. His father Karmchand Gandhi was Diwan (Chief Minister) of Porbandar. His mother, Putlibai was very simple and religious person. She had devoted her life between house chores and temple. She was very much into the religious activity and that is why she made sure to raise her children with the same value. Gandhi grew up in very religious atmosphere and followed Vaishnavism religion. From beginning Gandhi used to go to temples and used to learn about different religions. At age of seven he was sent to school. In school Gandhi was an average student, who was very shy to talk to any student in the class as he thought that they will make fun of him. He was very introvert student in the school but he always kept his honesty and sincerity. Gandhi got married in 1882 at the age of 13, as it was custom back in India at that time to do child marriage. He married to Kasturbai Mukhanji and there after they had four children all boys. Gandhi passed matriculation exam in 1887 and went back home as he found the studies in college very tough. Then he decided to go to London for further studies. In 1888, at age of 19 he traveled to London to study law. Before he traveled to London to study in University of London, he had to face opposition from his mother and other relatives for his decision to go abroad. He had to vow not to touch girls, drink liquor or eat meat while he is abroad and only then his mother allowed him to go to London for further studies. In 1891, Gandhi passed his law exam in second attempt. Even though, He was admitted to British bar he decided to return to Indian. He then went to Bombay High Court and start doing his practice. He was not doing that great there and the main reason for that was that he did not like to take false or un-ethical cases. Due to that his practice in Bombay High Court did not help him to establish and after that he moved to Rajkot. Even there he was not doing that great and at the end he decided to go to South Africa, where he took year long contract from one Indian Law Company who was based in South Africa. In April, 1893 he sailed to South Africa to stay there for one year.

Hope it helps you mate....

Answered by Anonymous


Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, who is also know as Mahatma Gandhi or “bapu” was the leader of Indian nationalism who was born on October 2nd, 1869, at Porbandar in the state of Gujarat, India. He was born in the moderate wealthy family and he was the youngest child in the family of one sister and three brothers. Also, he was born into political and religious belief family. His father Karmchand Gandhi was Diwan (Chief Minister) of Porbandar. His mother, Putlibai was very simple and religious person. She had devoted her life between house chores and temple. She was very much into the religious activity and that is why she made sure to raise her children with the same value. Gandhi grew up in very religious atmosphere and followed Vaishnavism religion. From beginning Gandhi used to go to temples and used to learn about different religions. At age of seven he was sent to school. In school Gandhi was an average student, who was very shy to talk to any student in the class as he thought that they will make fun of him. He was very introvert student in the school but he always kept his honesty and sincerity. Gandhi got married in 1882 at the age of 13, as it was custom back in India at that time to do child marriage. He married to Kasturbai Mukhanji and there after they had four children all boys. Gandhi passed matriculation exam in 1887 and went back home as he found the studies in college very tough.

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