As a mature adult of 61 I would have to say no (not the answer I would have given in my 20’s)
Not that I wouldn’t like to but there is simply no reason for me to.
One of the basic fundamentals of the early years of spaceflight was the underlying assumption that any trip to the Moon was going to be inherently dangerous. Stop and think
You have to get off the Earth to start with. You are sitting on top of a bomb that could go off on you at any time- and do so with no warning at all.
You have to get yourself into a translunar trajectory that will intercept the Moon any just the right point.
You will have to change your orbit from translunar to lunar.
You have to have the ability to both get down and back up
You have to have the equipment to keep you alive through all phases of the mission.
With these requirements the operational philosophy was that you never do a flight just to do a flight- i.e. no teachers, Senators, wealthy nothingburgers,etc. The mission you are undertaking is an important one or you wouldn’t be going at all.
Thus the requirement that the Astronauts be highly trained and experienced pilots. They had one geologist go to the Moon- Harrison Schmidt- but he still had to become a pilot with the necessary hours before he could achieve it.
Lastly- the hardware to go to the Moon no longer exists. In fact the US possesses less ability to put a man in orbit today in 2019 than we did in 1962. I see repeatedly papers arguing for techniques that were rejected as absurd in the Apollo years. I keep seeing bitter technical arguments over issues that were settled in 1963. We are basically going to have to start almost from scratch.
And what skill would I bring to that enterprise that would justify my presence on the spacecraft? Zip, Zero, Nada. In the MOCR? Maybe. On the spacecraft? Not a chance.
You can simply make the essay on this topic.