essay writing impact of technology during pandamic situation
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected many science, space and technology institutions and government agencies worldwide, leading to reduced productivity on a number of fields and programs. It has also opened several new funding research lines in several governmental agencies around the world.
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COVID-19 is unlike any other crisis which is impacting the entire world. Governments across the world are trying to ensure the safety of their citizens and provide support to people affected. In spite of fast spread, people across the world are putting up a brave fight and using new-age technologies to manoeuvre this new situation. These technologies are not only helping us fight the pandemic but may in the future, change how we deal with such situations.
Here are a few examples in which technology has been used to help us hold the fort against COVID-19.
Business continuity: A major challenge during this pandemic has been not being able to work in the same manner as before. Businesses have quickly adopted work-from-home policies, using online meeting softwares and collaboration platforms to clock in and ensure employees stay home and continue operating business as usual.
Phones: Smartphones are playing a crucial role in minimizing exposure to the people. Delivery apps are offering contactless delivery, whereby delivery executives drop essentials off at a specific point or at your doorstep without any physical contact. Moreover, mobile payment apps are reducing the threat of transmission through paper money.
Video conferencing: Mandatory quarantine has disrupted daily life and reduced social interaction. This is leading millions of people to meet and connect online instead. Families and friends are now catching up and socializing virtually. Educators and fitness clubs are conducting classes online. Even organisations are on-boarding new employees through digital meeting platforms.
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