Essay writing in hindi ------(1) science and war?
Science and War
Wars have been taking place from the beginning of mankind. Earlier these were combined to the battlefield and were fought with traditional weapons like swords and spears. However with scientific development, wars today have become many times more dangerous and destructive. The two Super Powers possess bombs which, in the event of a war between them, can wipe out the human race.
The history of mankind tells us that wars have been a recurring feature of human existence. Even in the early stages of civilization men fought among themselves. They fought over property which comprised land, cattle and women. Later on, wars were fought between kings of different countries. Wars between England and France in the 16th century are a relevant example. In our own times, two World Wars in 1914-1918 and in 1939-1945 have been fought. All this confirms the belligerent nature of man who, periodically, must indulge in wars.
But wars in the olden times were not so dangerous and deadly. The weapons of warfare were primitive and simple. To begin with, swords and spears were used. The damage done by wars both in terms of men and soldiers was minimal. Wars were confined to the battlefield and soldiers. Then the guns and cannons were invented. Babar was the first to use a Cannon (then known as Topkhana) in war.
The nature of modem war has completely changed. it is no longer restricted only to the battlefield. Civilians too are attacked and killed: In the modern warfare, it is not so much a soldier’s courage that counts, it is the nature and quality of machines that matter. The victory depends on the superiority of the lighting equipment. During World War –II Five hundred to one thousand bombers used to raid England almost every night. There was enormous loss of life and all round destruction. Innocent children and women also became the victims of war.