English, asked by hsxvs3585, 11 months ago

Essay writing on Impact of climate change in Biodiversity


Answered by shweta02

Climate change impacts on biodiversity

Climate change is predicted to be the greatest long-term threat to biodiversity in many regions and is listed as a key threatening process under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 and the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Commonwealth).

Projections of future changes in climate in NSW include increasing temperatures and temperature extremes, increasingly severe droughts, rising sea levels, possible decreasing rainfall, regional flooding and reduced water availability in the Murray-Darling Basin.

Australia has experienced cycles of climate change in the past, but the current changes are more serious due to the rate of change in atmospheric greenhouse gas levels and temperatures, and because ecosystems are already stressed by other human impacts.

The most vulnerable ecosystems include coastal ecosystems, alpine areas, rainforests, fragmented terrestrial ecosystems and areas vulnerable to fire or low freshwater availability. Species that could become endangered or extinct include those living near the upper limit of their temperature range (for example, in alpine regions); those with restricted climatic niches; and those that cannot migrate to new habitats due to habitat fragmentation or lack of alternatives.

Biodiversity in a changing climate

Download the brochure Climate change: How will it affect the natural environment in NSW  to learn about some of the species and ecosystems at risk from climate change in NSW. Find out how you can help reduce the impact of climate change and what OEH is doing to help protect biodiversity under threat.

Stay tuned for more detailed, individual profiles of species and ecosystems at risk.

Helping biodiversity adapt

Addressing the impacts of climate change on biodiversity will require a long-term effort and new ways of thinking. To help species and ecosystems cope with climate change, OEH has developed Priorities for Biodiversity Adaptation to Climate Change  

These priorities will focus on four key areas;

1.Enhancing our understanding of the likely responses of biodiversity to climate change and re-adjusting management programs where necessary

2.Protecting a diverse range of habitats through building a comprehensive, adequate and representative public reserve system in NSW, with a focus on under-represented bioregions

3.Increasing opportunities for species to move across the landscape by working with partners and the community to protect habitat and create the necessary connections across landscapes

4.Assessing adaptation options for ecosystems most at risk from climate change in NSW

The document draws on the NSW Climate Impact Profile which has assessed the likely impacts of climate change on species and ecosystems in NSW.

Answered by KamaldevSharma


Nowadays, people around the world has been focusing on facing climate change. Climate change is the major global challenge today, and the world is becoming more vulnerable to this change. The recent report from United Nations predicted that average global temperature could increase by 6˚ Celsius at the end of the century (Vidal 2013). Increasing temperature causes warming oceans and lead to changing on weather and rainfall pattern which threats both urban and rural population. Australian Academy of Science defines climate change as the long term change in weather pattern which causes several events such as melting of polar ice, raising sea level, and increasing intensity of natural disaster (Australian Academy of Science 2018). This essay outlines the main problems caused by climate change, and evaluate three possible strategies to address its negative impacts. The essay argues that climate change has negative impacts on human life. However, its impact could significantly be reduced by implementing three strategies, including supporting green transportation, building green city and implementing organic farming. There are various potential impacts of climate change on human life. Firstly, the rise of sea level as a result of increasing global temperature and melting of polar ice. A report from Union of Concerned Scientist points out that average global sea level has increased by 8 inches since last century (Union of Concerned Scientists 2018). This increases the risk for low laying areas from flood and threats coastal properties. Nowadays, 65% of major cities are located in low-laying coastal zones (Nordhaus 2006, cited in Hunt & Watkiss 2010). Secondly, climate change may also affect on energy demand. European Environmental Agency claims that there has been increasing trend in cooling demand during summer season and predicts 30% increase in the use of energy by 2080 due to air conditioning (Hunt & Watkiss 2010). Another impact of climate change is the effect on human health. The report from Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) points out that climate change affects human health due todecreasing quality of fresh air caused by air pollution and disruption of food supplies (WHO 2007). These three impacts are the major impacts of climate change, and it would be worsened by the rapid growth of urbanisation and population. Without systematic and organised action, such effects from climate changes will be become more difficult in the future. In order to address the effects of climate change, there are three strategies that can be done. First of all by establishing green transportation. Transportation is the most important sources of emission. To sum up, climate change has negative impacts on human life. There are many problems that is caused by climate change, including increasing sea level, rising demand on energy, and threatening human health. This essay argues that three solutions including: supporting green transportation, building greener city and implementing organic farming could significantly address these problems.

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