English, asked by AreeshaNajam, 1 month ago

Essay Writing
Topic: How has the pandemic affected you?
Word limit: 150-200
Grade: 5
Paragraphs: 3
Please answer this question.
No irrelevant answers.
Correct Answer Will Be marked Brainliest.​


Answered by ravi200765


I have been covid positibe for about 1 week now. This is the sickest I can remember being...this virus seems to attack many systems...the worst for me being shortness and breath and chest pressure/pain...even though my sats have been 95-98. The least bit of activity seems to exacerbate those symptoms. Also vital signs have fluctuated widely, with Bp 230s/120s at times with heart rate 150s and this has not been a problem for me previously. I did go into ED related to these symptoms...had workup and only elevated lactic acid mildly, CXR clear...troponin negative...mostly negative workup. I was given dexamethasone even though this is not currently recommended unless 02 dependent or vent dependent and it has seemed to help with symptoms...and I take nebulizer treatment xoponex and this also seems to help some...along with recommended vit D, C and zinc. This virus widely affects patients so differently that treatments seem to be a work in progress and each needs to find what seems to work best for them.

Answered by venkatreddy63


Mark as brainlist If it helps

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