Essayon all differences in this world are of degree, and not of kind, because oneness is the secret of everything essay.
TOPIC - All differences in this world are of degree, and not of kind, because oneness is the secret of everything
"Look at that tree! It seems to be the tallest of all!" says a person, looking at the tallest tree of the Amazon rainforest, to his friend, both flabbergasted by nature's richness in the rainforest. The other friend says-"It's magnificent! look at the number of creepers and other animals living on it. it seems like there's a mini amazon on the tree!" After admiring it for some time they went on to look at the other beautiful places without stopping for long near the tallest tree because Amazon had richness even in its smallest of creation. Even the sight of the tallest tree couldn't stop them from wanting to see another beautiful place as nature never differentiated between creatures and has bestowed every creature with a unique beauty. Different degrees of richness was seen in the forest at all the places they visited irrespective of the size of the creation. They represent themselves inside their home called nature. And so goes Swamy Vivekananda's quote - All differences in this world are of degree, and not of the kinds, because oneness is the secret of everything. Bring this to religion, ways of life, humanity or anything else it's again all under one umbrella with one force driving it. The main force driving is the essence of oneness.
What do I mean by essence?
Let's try and break this to a simple model. The trees are of so many species under different genres and they all have unique features. But all these varieties that you see in different parts of the world are under one heading calls the 'Trees' and not under different 'kinds' of some heading, they are just commonly known as trees. If at all there is a difference among them, it's the difference in the degrees of effective survival that each individual tree can make fighting against the odds. It's never that a particular variety or kind of tree can help its counterpart of the same kind to make a longer survival than it could endure by fighting against odds. When we bring this under the gambit of nature, which is its home, we see that the whole nature works on the same principle as the famous Charles Darwin's theory of evolution goes -
"All species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual's ability to compete, survive, and reproduce."
The umbrella is this. The individual plays the role and not the groups of same kinds.
When we bring this concept to the human who is also a part of nature, The theory is the same and hence, there is just one force driving a human to keep moving. But how is the theory the same? That is with every day passing it's the urge to survive and live a better life, which drives human to keep moving and for making so many inventions with the ultimate aim being finding the truth-GOD.
Hence, the nature which is the king, rules in its own terms with restrictions and liberty given to each individual on their path leading to the ultimate truth or survival for a better life. There is no reservation for some to have an easy one. It's a direct competition to survive with different degrees of abilities provided for each to ultimately move to the truth or the oneness, the God.