essays on perfection 480 words
Society defines the word perfect with images of faces and the way bodies are formed.
However, a dictionary will define the same word as being without defects or flaws. This ultimately is an unattainable goal. As Hannah Montana expressed, "Nobody's perfect I gotta work it again and again until I get it right". She says immediately that perfection is desirable but never can one say that they are perfect. Rather one must continue to strive for selfimprovement and personal development to the best of their abilities.
Perfection is not achievable. "Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence," (Vince Lombardi). Although it may be defined inside the pages of a dictionary, it is nothing more than a constantly changing idea that is different between each individual person. It holds no true constant definition as it is contextual and individual. In the past, there have been many cases of individuals, who in the pursuit of perfection caused more harm to themselves than benefit. Even today, we see people who starve themselves so they meet the media's definition of perfect, only to detriment their own health and physical wellbeing and be ridiculed even more. We, as a society, tend to introduce inaccurate and unrealistic definitions of words which only lead to misinterpretations. Instead, we should take pride in having our flaws, both innate and nurtured, as they define our individuality. It is important to recognize that our mistakes do not define us, but rather, our ability to persevere and try again in the face of failure.
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