English, asked by shivansh19, 1 year ago

esssay on labrador dog


Answered by danger2776
...Tuesday, 09 October 2012 Lost I was walking along the road with my dog by my side, when all of a sudden he darted off across the road, and round the corner. I started shouting at the top of my voice, “BORIS, COME HERE!” To my amazement a black Labrador came strolling round the corner. As Boris started strolling across the road, a black car came round the bend. All I saw was Boris being pushed over, and the car rolling over him. Through the streaming tears in my eyes, I saw a figure walking out of the car, and bend down to look under. I could not watch, I covered my eyes, the only noise I could hear was my screaming, and uncontrolled breath. Then I heard the car drive past me and full speed. I was horrified that the person hadn’t said anything to me, not even sorry. I eventually pulled myself together, and walked over to where I last saw Boris. There was no mark, no blood, not even a dog. Then I saw in very small writing, a mobile number scratched into the concrete, obviously done with a stone. The recent rainfall hadn’t washed it away, meaning it must be from the person in the car, who killed my dog. As I walked into my house, devastated by what had just happened, the thing I was most dreading was telling my family. As everyone in my family walked away, in floods of tears, I was left there, with this number on a piece of paper, in my hand, and a phone right in front of me. I decided to ring it, as there was no harm in...

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