English, asked by abhijeetsarkar6313, 1 year ago

Essy on happy incedent of my life paragraph


Answered by RajnishKumarsinha

A happy incident of my Life:Our exams were over. We had a lot of free time some friends decided to spend somedays at the Northern hilly areas. We planned to travel by train. One ne morning wepaced our suit cases and started for the railway station. We bought ticets andboarded on the !hyber "ail. #he $ourney started. %n the beginning everything went well.&ut soon the compartment was over paced. #hen there entered an extra fat womanalong with her thin husband. 'he ased a lady to leave the seat for her. &ut it wasrefused. And then there started a boxing between the two ladies. 'oon their husbandsand their helpers also $umped into the ring. Now the compartment turned into a battleeld. 'ome passengers were noced her and the others were iced there. % also got apunch on my nose. #hen someone pulled the chain. #he train stopped with a $er. #herailway police came and the ghting came to end. % still have a small dent on my nose.We all friends still remember the $ourney of our exploration. Now % travel by bus. % willnever go by train.(ollution:(ollution means an undesirable change in the environment. (ollution means all thosenegative changes that occur in and around the place where we live or wor. )ou musthave noticed di*erent changes+ positive or negative that have taen place around you+such as waste or garbage thrown in the streets+ a lot of tra,c noise and fumes in theatmosphere. All these negative changes have caused pollution in the environment andhave brought ugliness around us. %ncreasing pollution has become a grave problem inour country. A sheet of dirty smoe and harmful gases has covered our big cities. #heresult is that it is destroying our air+ our earth and even our lives "assive cutting oftrees has also given rise to carbon dioxide which causes pollution. #he factories andmills give o* smoe and gases as of their operation. %t causes harmful e*ect on healthof the people living around. "od industriali-ation is the main cause pollution. %f pollutionis not checed+ it would endanger animal and human life on the earth. #ree plantmovement should be started on national level as decrease pollution.istance education:istance education is a modern concept. %t aims at providing education to those whocan/t attend the classes regularly. %n (aistan A%O0 is playing a vital role in distancelearning. %t helps woring men and women to improve their 1ualication withoutdisturbing their $obs. 'tudents+ who can/t a*ord high fees of colleges and universitiescan get education through A%O0 within reasonable fee. A%O0 o*ers courses throughsemester system. 'tudents solve assignments and send to their tutors. At the end ofevery semester there is an exam. A%O0 o*ers a wide range of courses from "atric to(h. #he students are helped in their studies through tutors+ 2adio and #.3. programs. #he 4appiest ays of "y Life: % live in a village. % belong to a poor family of peasants."y father is a farmer. %n the whole family+ was the rst to do 5.'c+ pre6medical. Lucily %was a brilliant student and % too good grades in all the examination. % did my 5.'c. withdistinction in the &oard. #hen all our relatives from far and wide came to congratulateme. #hey brought me sweets and clothes. #hey also gave me money. #hey all werehappy and congratulated me and my parents on my great progress. Among them % wassitting lie a prince. % was feeling a great pride. #hese were the happiest moments of mylife. #hat day we had a great feast. "y parents cooed sweet dishes for the guests.

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