Estimate how much litres of water in a bucket are you able to lift at a time
nearly 10 to 15 litre and I will try for 20 litres
Given : water (in a bucket )
To Find : Estimate how much litres of water (in a bucket are you able to lift at a time
Took an Empty Bucket
Water Tap
A bottle of one litre measure
Using Bottle of one litre measure
Poured water in bucket adding one litre water each time
I was easily able to lift the water till 5 litre
I was able to lift the water till 10 litre .
After 15 litre it was quite painful to lift the bucket
Hence around 12-13 litres of water in a bucket I was able to lift.
Note : Answer to this Question will vary from individuals to individuals
Advise : please perform the activity as mentioned above and get the data for yourself, how much litres of water (in a bucket are you able to lift at a time
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Estimate how much litres of water (in a bucket are you able to lift at a time?