Math, asked by rohan84931, 10 months ago

Estimate the sum (21397+27807+42505) to the nearest thousand


Answered by knjroopa

Step-by-step explanation:

Given Estimate the sum (21397+27807+42505) to the nearest thousand

  • Now we need to find the sum of the numbers and also estimate the sum of numbers to the nearest thousand.
  • So sum of numbers will be 21397 + 27807 + 42505 = 91,709
  • So the number to be estimated is 91,709
  • Now the number at hundred’s place is 7 which is greater than 5. So we need to increase the digit at thousand’s place.
  • Therefore the number 91,709 is rounded off to nearest thousands as 92,000

Reference link will be

Answered by omanand022


Thanks hrhurhfb4irjbt

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