Estimate value of 7 multiply 312 is
. Estimate the products of 34 and 86.
34 ⟶ 30 34 is rounded down to 30
86 ⟶ 90 86 rounded up to 90
34 ⟶ 30
86 ⟶ 90
34 is rounded down to 30
86 rounded up to 90
Calculate mentally 30 × 90 = 2700
The estimated product is 2700.
II. Estimate the products of 331 and 267 by rounding to the nearest hundred.
331 ⟶ 300
267 ⟶ 300
300 × 300 = 90000
The estimated product is 90000.
III. Find the estimated product of 34 and 17 by rounding off to the nearest tens.
Rounding off 34 to nearest tens.
34 is nearer to 30 than 40.
So, 34 is rounded down to 30.
Estimate Product
17 is nearer to 20 than 10.
So, 17 is rounded up to 20.
Estimating the Product
Now 30 × 20 = 600
So, the estimated product of 34 × 17 = 600
IV. Find the estimated product of 148 and 14 by rounding off to the nearest tens.
Rounding off 148 to nearest tens.
148 is nearer to 150 than 140.
So, 148 is rounded up to 150.
Rounding off 148
14 is nearer to 10 than 20.
So, 14 is rounded down to 10.
Rounding off 14
Now 150 × 10 = 1500
So, the estimated product of 148 × 14 = 1500
will be rounded to 320 ×10.
Now we have multiply like this.
320 ×10
will be the answer.
Hope you understand.
Cookie jugnuk is wrong.