estimated to the nearest thousand 4576-4231 /5000-4000
4576 to nearest thousands = 5000
4231 to nearest thousands = 4000
so, 4576-4231/5000-4000
= 5000-4000/5000-4000
= 1000/1000
= 1
please mark me as brainliest
Step-by-step explanation:
Given :
To find: Estimated to the nearest thousand.
Tip: To round off to nearest thousands check the hundredth digit. If it is 5 or greater than 5,then increase the thousands digit by 1 and set rest of digits to 0.
Step 1: Round off 4576 to nearest thousand.
As discussed above
hundredth digit is 5, so
4576≈ 5000
Step 2: Round off 4231 to nearest thousand.
As discussed above
hundredth digit is 2, so
4231≈ 4000
Step 3:Find the difference and solve.
Final answer:
Estimation to the nearest thousand is 1.
Hope it helps you.
To learn more on brainly:
Estimating the following sums by rounding off the addends mentioned (to the nearest 100) digit is 4627+3781+1215 =
estimate the sum by rounding of the highest place 8756+723
pls answer fast