Estimation of salivary nitric oxide and uric acid levels in oral squamous cell carcinoma and healthy controls
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The estimation of NO was done by standard kit (Agappe Diagnostics, India Ltd). NO concentration is based on the enzymatic conversion of nitrate to nitrite by colorimetric detection of nitrite as an azo by-product of the Griess reaction. The Griess reaction is based on the two-step diazotization reaction in which acetified NO produces a nitrosating agent, which reacts with sulfanilic acid to produce diazonium ion. This ion is then coupled to N-ethylenediamine to form the chromophoric azo derivatives, which absorb light at 540-570 nm. The measurement of absorbance at 550 nm is read after 10 min. The concentration is calculated from a calibration plot prepared from a series of standard nitrite.
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Carcinoma is a type of cancer that starts in cells that make up the skin or the tissue lining organs, such as the liver or kidneys. Like other types of cancer, carcinomas are abnormal cells that divide without control. They are able to spread to other parts of the body, but don't always.
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