Evaluate and discuss the impact HIV and crime
the functions of criminal law can be broadly characterised as deterrence, incapacitation, rehabilitation and retribution. A reasonable criterion, then, for determining whether laws and prosecutions relating to potential or actual HIV exposure or transmission have a positive impact on public health would be to examine whether these functions help prevent HIV transmission.As discussed in the section above, since such laws can only target those people living with HIV who have been tested and diagnosed, these organisations argue that using the criminal law to address potential or actual HIV exposure or transmission focuses disproportionate attention and resources on a relatively small number of individuals. They suggest that these significant personal and financial resources could be more productively used to expand evidence-informed and human rights-based HIV-prevention efforts.As discussed in the section above, since such laws can only target those people living with HIV who have been tested and diagnosed, these organisations argue that using the criminal law to address potential or actual HIV exposure or transmission focuses disproportionate attention and resources on a relatively small number of individuals. They suggest that these significant personal and financial resources could be more productively used to expand evidence-informed and human rights-based HIV-prevention efforts.