English, asked by rheezyreehmoeti, 4 months ago

evaluate the impact of risky behavior on personal expectations in relation of the career you want to follow​


Answered by MAYABADKID


I was considered a very brilliant student by all my classmates and teachers. That's where it ended as far as my secondary school was concerned. This is because as a day student I was a rebel, an anarchist, and a truant (though my parents did not know at all). This started in my 2nd year and it took my teacher four years to find out. How managed you may ask. In those days class teachers marked attendance twice on a typical school day i.e. during the first period and the last period of the day. I made sure I was around. I hate lectures even to the university and I did well without them. I read voraciously because I enjoy reading even till now.

My grades were not falling but my English teacher found me out. He was also my class teacher. His English class was immediately after long break(12noon). If you are late to his class you would be treated to corporal punishment. I tried to be there on time but I was always in the hostel instead of classes so many times I found out I was late and to avoid his canes I stayed away. Thrice he had my hostel searched and my fellow truants were apprehended but not me. He went to meet my parents in town to report me because if he had reported me to the principal I would have been rusticated but he liked me. I convinced my mom when she visited that it was a misunderstanding. Since I was consistently top of my class she believed me.

I thought I have outsmarted him. At the end of the first term the Report Cards were prepared as usual and I was top of my class again. But in the class teacher comment he wrote:

“He would have done better but he's found of hiding in the hostel while lessons were going on”.

My parents were not amused by this comment but they did nothing. I came first remember.

During the second term I was at the centre of our boarding house mutiny that nearly led to my expulsion from the school but my two house masters struggled to pin it on me. Everybody knew I was guilty but they could not get concrete evidence.

At the end of second term my class teacher comment went thus:

“A star debater,represented the school in quiz and debating competitions. Troublesome and quarrelsome. He should be advised to be pragmatic and realistic”.

I did not pay them any mind. My parents were not perturbed. They thought it was the vestige of how he felt about me from first term.

That was 1991.

Fast forward to 1995. I was applying for Monbusho Scholarship of the Government of Japan. Part of the requirements was submission of copies of your last three years high school reports. This was when I discovered I was not smart at all.

I was in polytechnic but always wanting to study Mercantile Marine and Japanese scholarship would have made this dream come true because my parent couldn't afford the foreign fees. Alas it was not to be because these comments were on the same page as my fine academic records.

My risky behaviours seemed not to be risky but cost me a lot earlier in life.

Thanks be to God for second chance.

Pls forgive my typo errors.

Explanation:This is not my story but this is a little example

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