Evalute the significance of human right?
radhe radhe
Human rights are standards that allow all people to live with dignity, freedom, equality, justice, and peace. Every person has these rights simply because they are human beings. They are guaranteed to everyone without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, or other status. Human rights are essential to the full development of individuals and communities.
Human rights are standards that allow all people to live with dignity, freedom, equality, justice, and peace. Every person has these rights simply because they are human beings. They are guaranteed to everyone without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, or other status. Human rights are essential to the full development of individuals and communities.Many people view human rights as a set of moral principles that apply to everyone. Human rights are also part of international law, contained in treaties and declarations that spell out specific rights that countries are required to uphold. Countries often incorporate human rights in their own national, state, and local laws.
Human rights are standards that allow all people to live with dignity, freedom, equality, justice, and peace. Every person has these rights simply because they are human beings. They are guaranteed to everyone without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, or other status. Human rights are essential to the full development of individuals and communities.Many people view human rights as a set of moral principles that apply to everyone. Human rights are also part of international law, contained in treaties and declarations that spell out specific rights that countries are required to uphold. Countries often incorporate human rights in their own national, state, and local laws.
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"Human rights have always been the ground stone for every answer to the questions of human existence. Human rights are the rights available to citizens by virtue of their being human being. Human beings are different from the other animals although he is considered an animal due to biological traits. Human beings require special living conditions for their survival. Human life need more than what is animal existence.
Indian constitution provides two kinds of rights fundamental rights (part III) and other constitutional rights to citizens and some also to non citizens. Rights like social equality, equality of opportunity, no racial and other discrimination, right to life and personal liberty, rights of accused have all their origin in basic human rights. Many of the principles of double jeopardy ( art 20), right to human conditions of life (art 22) have also been recognised as human rights in UDHR ( United Nations Declaration Of Human Rights, 1948) and other international conventions.