Math, asked by mathematics20, 1 year ago

every abelian group is cyclic or every cyclic group is abelian?


Answered by yuvi57
every cyclic group is abelian
Answered by AlluringNightingale

Note :

  • Group : An algebraic system (G,*) is said to be a group if the following condition are satisfied :
  1. G is closed under *
  2. G is associative under *
  3. G has a unique identity element
  4. Every element of G has a unique inverse in G

  • Abelian group : If a group (G,*) also holds commutative property , then it is called commutative group or abelian group , ie . if x*y = y*x ∀ x , y ∈ (G,*) , then the group G is said to be abelian .

Solution :

To prove :

Every cyclic group is an abelian group .

Proof :

Let G = < a > be a cyclic group with generator a .

Let x and y be any two elements of G . Then there exist integers r and s such that x = aʳ and y = aˢ.

Now ,

→ xy = aʳaˢ

→ xy = aʳ⁺ˢ

→ xy = aˢ⁺ʳ

→ xy = aˢaʳ

→ xy = yx

Thus , we have xy = yx ∀ x , y ∈ G .

→ G is an abelian group .

Hence ,

Every cyclic group is an abelian group .

But the converse is not true , ie . not every abelian group is cyclic . An abelian group may or may not be cyclic .

Examples :

  • The Klein's 4 group , K₄ is abelian but not cyclic .
  • (R,+) and (Q,+) are abelian but not cyclic .
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