English, asked by niceleen123, 1 year ago

Every afternoon before Dylan leaves for debate practice, he eats a bag of pretzels and drinks a sports drink. In the evening after he finishes his homework, he has a snack of either gelato or fruit bars. What area does Dylan need to strengthen, and how can he improve?

A) Physical activity; add daily planned exercise to his schedule
B) Healthy eating; replace junk food with healthier options
C) Stress management; practice deep-breathing techniques
D) Work habits; schedule more time for studying


Answered by SsLara737
a)physical activity
Answered by Arslankincsem

Dylan needs to replace his junk food eating habits and start eating healthier food instead.

Every single afternoon when Dylan leaves for his debate practice he has a bag of pretzels and has a sports drink.

This meal alone will spike up his insulin levels since it contains a lot of artifical sugar.

After finishing his homework he tends to have a fruit bar or gelato which again is full of artificial sugar.

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