Every circuit has an odd number of edges in common with any cut set is it true or false
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Step-by-step explanation:
Thus, in any case every circuit has an even number of edges in common with any cut-set. the branch of a tree (thick lines) and remaining edges d and f as chords of the corresponding tree. 3.16. THEOREM.
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The statement is false. Every circuit has an even number of edges in common with any cut set is the right answer.
Step-by-step explanation:
What is cut-set:
- Cut = a group of edges that, when removed, divide/separate the network into two halves, X and Y where: S ∈ X and. (sink) T ∈ Y.
- A cut is a division of a graph's vertices into two distinct subsets in graph theory.
- A cut-set, or the set of edges with one endpoint in each subset of the partition, is determined by any cut.
- The cut is considered to be crossed by these edges.
- Every circuit has an even number of edges in common with any cut set.
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