every company issuing shares to public must collect within 15 days of ------%of shares
Issue of Shares is the process in which companies allot new shares to shareholders. Shareholders can be either individuals or corporates. The company follows the rules prescribed by Companies Act 2013 while issuing the shares. Issue of Prospectus, Receiving Applications, Allotment of Shares are three basic steps of the procedure of issuing the shares. The process of creating new shares is known as Allocation or allotment. Let us see the two types of shares of a company and the procedure for issue of shares that a company must follow.
दूसरे शब्दों में, यदि एक व्यावसायिक इकाई कोई मशीन खरीदती है और उसे उत्पादन के लिए प्रयोग में लाती है तो उपयोग के कारण मूल्य में कमी आएगी। ... इसका अर्थ यह हुआ कि स्थाई परिसम्पत्तियों के मूल्य में कमी आती है और इस कमी को तकनीकी रूप से मूल्य हास कहते हैं।