eviricily has an important place in modern society. It is a co
and convenient form of energy for a variety of uses in home
pitals, Industries and so on. What constitutes electricity
Utent through an electric circuit? In this Chapter, we =
w in an electric circuit? What are the factors that contro
7swer such questions. We shall also discuss the he
c current and its applications.
iliar with air current and water cur
Electrical energy is the most convenient form of energy for most human uses. Electrical energy is easy use and move from one location to another, but it is almost impossible to store in any large quantity. It can be used for running computers and most appliances, home heating, and even transportation. Electricity is used by industry, households, and businesses—accounting for 18% of end use energy worldwide
The energy itself is held in the movement and configuration of electric charge. The flow of electric charge (usually electrons) is electric current. Charge can build up on a capacitor and store electrical energy. This energy is physically carried in the electric fields and magnetic fields associated with how charges are arranged and moving, but can easily be turned into most energy services