Geography, asked by yashpalbanjare390, 11 months ago

Evolution and Development of the Concept of Regions


Answered by amarjeet71307
Development is a dynamic concept. It has different meanings for different people.

The Concept of Development :

'Development' is a multidimensional process. There are.
therefore, many interpretations of it. In geographical literature during
the late 1970s and early 1980s, there have come certain works which
attempt to define development. Notable examples include Brookfield's'
(1975) Interdependent Development, Robert's- (1978), Cities of
peasants, Mabogunje's^ (1980), The Development process: a Spatial
Perspective Chisholm's'' (1982) Modern World Development.

The Concept of Regional Development :

The notion of development in the context of regional
development refers to a value positive concept which aims at enhancing
the levels of the living of the people and general conditions of human
welfare in a region. It is a value positive concept because development
is not only a change but a change for better, just as plant develops into
a tree and a child into an adult and there is no reversal of the position
attained. Economic development is reflected through growth of output
and national income. Thus an important indicator of economic
deveJopment is the increase in per capita income. Development is neither
class neutral nor it is uniformly available across the regions. The
development process benefits some classes of the society more than
other classes. It helps certain regions to attain higher levels of
development than other regions. This gives rise to social disparities as
well as regional disparities. Such a situation operates because of the
behaviour of parameters of development.

I hope this answer help you
make me brainliest
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