Examine sources of information for mauryan dynasty. Throw light on historical significance of ashoka's inscriptions
Mauryan dynasty can be called as the first historical dynasty in India. As pointed out by Dr. V.A. Smith. ‘With the establishment of Maruyan dynasty, the history of ancient Indian emerges from darkness to light.
The Puranas of the Hidnus, Buddhist texts like Dipavanasa, Mahabodhivansa and Mahavansa, and Jain texts like Kaplasutra of Bhadrabhahu, Parisista-Parva of Hemachandra form some of the important sources. Amongst descriptions of foreign writers, particularly those of the Greeks, the accounts of Nearchus, Herodotus, Aristobulus and Megasthenes have been regarded valuable. Here I am giving in detail the description about some main historical sources of Maruyan History.
(a) Indica: Indica is the famous historical work of famous Greek traveler Megastheness (who had been sent by Selucus to the court of Chandragupta). In this book he has described whatever he saw or heard about India during his stay of 5 years in India. He wrote a detailed description of the central, city, military and provincial administration of Chandragupta Maruya. Though his book ‘Indica’ is not available now but references from it have been found in the works of other Greek historians.
(b) Arthashastra: This work was composed by the intimate friend and Prime Minister of Chandragupta Maurya named Chanakya or Kautilya. It gives us information about the ideals and administrative system of the Mauryan administration. It tells us what difficulties Chanakya had to face in seating Chandragupta on the throne.(c) Vishakhadatta’s Mudra Rakshasa’ is another important source for the study of Chandragupta’s carrier. Though not contemporary, this fifth century (Gupta-period) drama may be trusted for its details of the revolution by which Chandragupta, guided and aided by his Brahmana advisers, Chanakya, first made the Puravas his allies but after capturing Magadha and overthrowing the Nandas, killed the Purava prince.(d) The Puranas are also an important source of the Maruyan dynasty. The Mauryan Empire has been described as a powerful and extensive empire.
(e) Jain and Buddhist Literary Sources also supplement our knowledge of the Maruyas. Jain sources claim that Chandragupta become an Orthodox Jain towards the end of his life abdicated the throne, and ended his life (according to Jain ideal) by voluntary starvation. The Divyavadan and other Buddhist works containing traditions are an important source of information about Mauryan history but they are not always reliable.