examine the correlation between production, distribution and consumption
Producers make goods in order to satisfy the consumption wants of the people. If no one consumes, no one will produce. Consumption is thus the end of all productive activity. Moreover, consumption along with investment determines the level of income and employment in the economy.Consumption and production of material goods are dialectically united and neither could exist without the other. Production creates the material object for consumption, and consumption realizes or actualizes production. In this respect, service and other industries are similar.Production, distribution, and consumption are related to how goods and services are created and made available to the public. ... As people buy, sell, and make goods, they become interdependent upon one another to supply what they need or to purchase what they sell.
That better fed, healthier individuals work harder may seem intuitively appealing but there is surprisingly little rigorous evidence to support the hypothesis. There are numerous problems in establishing a causal link between production and consumption due to difficulties in measuring tje productivity of workers, misinterpretation of simple correlations between production and consumption, and jointly determined production and consumption variables. The extent to which research findings can be generalized to larger populations often is jeopardized by sample attrition and sample selection. It is the purpose of this article to explain how these empirical and experimental difficulties arise, their implications for research results, how they may be overcome, and to access what is known about the consumption-production relationship. The field of nutrition contributes understanding of the biological relationship between energy intake and energy expenditure, necessary measurement skills, and clinical evidence supporting the consumption-production hypothesis. Economists contribute undrestanding of the larger social context in which the biological relationship takes place and empirical techniques necessary to overcome measurement and data problems.