Sociology, asked by alishadebbarma55, 1 year ago

Examine the emergence of nation-state during colonialism.


Answered by pandeyvandana608


imperialism was actually led to the formation of Nation-State in Asian continent. Almost allcolonies in Asia had shared long history of being a Colony ofaEuropeancolonizersince15th century to the end of Second World War. The history ofcolonizationinAsiabeganwith‘discovery’ of America and ofthepassagetoI ndia via the Cape of Good Hopattheendof15th century. Colonization had brought lot of changestowardstheworld.Indonesia – an archipelagiccountry who faced the reality of colonization by being a colonyofDutchEastIndiaCompany.Itbecame the medium of spreading European ideastowardstherestoftheworld.’Introduction

The interesting fact that led to the investigation through emergenceofNationstateisduetothe existence of more than two hundreds nations in today insteadoffewmainstreamnationswereexisted two centuries back. It is true that the world population had been increased

but it won‟t beenough to justify the emergence of numerous nation states acrosstheworldwithinthelasttwocenturies. Nevertheless the serious fact is that these new states actually possess the western ideaof nation state rather than an ancient indigenous concept orstructureofanation.Thehistoryof imperialism and its results would have been enough to givetheexactexplanationsforthespreading of these western ideologies across the boundaries.


Imperialism, Colonization, Nation-state, Asia

Emergence of Colonialism

The process of colonization which means the implanting of settlements on a distant boundarywas came through the idea of imperialism. More preciselythedrivingforcebehindthe colonization was imperialism and its motives. Historically thetermimperialismthatreferred with the Roman Empire came much earlier than the process ofcolonizationwhichbeganby15th century also proves the motivation towards colonial process.Itisquietinterestthatthelattermentioned terms are western or European terms of their justification. According to western view,

the understanding of these terms varies with the

context. For them it was the White Man‟s

Burdenthattellstheirdutytobring or transplant the civilizationintermsofdignityoflabor,value and concepts of their law and order, building a nation state which has a rational political

stability among civil society and modernized infrastructural developments towards the

underdeveloped and politically unstable colonies.

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