Examine the four Categories of Cultivation during akbar's region
For the purpose of assessment the land was classified in Akbar's reign in four categories: polaj (land which was cultivated every year and never left fallow);parati orparauti (land which had to be left fallow for a time to enable it to recover fertility); chachar (land which had to be left fallow for three or four ...
Polaj, Parati, Chachar and Banjar
Land was further classified into four categories viz -polaj, parati, chachar and banjar, on the basis of continuity of cultivation.
The Polaj land was one in which two crops were raised every year;
Parati land, however, had to be left fallow (uncultivated) for some time, after raising two crops to recover its fertility;
The Chachar was an unfertile tract of land which was brought under cultivation once in every three or four years;
The Banjar land which was unfit for cultivation and therefore rarely brought under plough.