Examine the position of the countries of the north and south on biodiversity and climate change 500 words ka
Development and implementation of global climate change agreements and nationally-appropriate actions are threatened by global inequality in science relevant to climate change policy and practice. Richard Smithers of Ricardo Energy & Environment and Malgorzata Blicharska of the Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University and the Swedish Biodiversity Centre, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences report. Scroll to the bottom to see more about what CDKN is doing to bridge the divide.
Northern countries (i.e. OECD or high-income economies) have set the global climate change policy agenda since the beginning. Even now, most of the science underpinning agreements and policy instruments developed under the UNFCCC (UN Framework Convention on Climate Change) continues to be generated in the North.
In January 2017, we published a study on the North-South divide in research relevant to climate change policy and practice in the international journal Nature Climate Change. Our co-authors were 10 of the World’s most eminent Southern scientists and colleagues from Sweden. We assessed underlying causes of the divide and its potential consequences, and recommended practical steps that need to be taken to span it.
The extent of the North-South divide can be illustrated by a simple analysis of scientific publications, which reveals that articles that address climate change are dominated by authors from OECD countries, while a minute fraction come from Southern countries (see Figure ). The reasons for this divide lie in the greater capacity of Northern countries to conduct research, as they are more stable, wealthier, and have better access to education and resources for research. In addition, Southern countries more frequently face practical challenges when conducting research, writing scientific articles or submitting applications.
There are many differences between North and South countries, like - political, social, economical. Like that they have different climate and biodiversity in the basis of climate changing weathers.
Now a days developing world is the main reason of Global warming. Due to global warming climate is always changing. In the North there are many mountains, hill station so there weather is basically warm type but South is depend on globalized country.