Examine the salient features of the Co-operative movement in the 20th century Maharashtra.
The co-operative movement in Maharashtra has played a significant role in thesocial and economic development of the state particularly in the rural areas. Initially, thismovement was confined mainly to the fields of agricultural credit. Later it rapidly spreadto other fields like agro-processing, agro-marketing, rural industries, consumer stores,social services, etc. Progress of co-operative movement in the last four decades showedincrease more than four times. The co-operatives in Maharashtra have a political,historical, social and cultural heritage. It is particularly strong in Western Maharashtra asthe independent movement and the leaders from Pune, Mumbai and Ahmednagarinitiated social reforms. Due to favorable climate conditions, soil and the development ofirrigation facilities Maharashtra made good progress in sugarcane and sugar productionthrough the help of co-operative sugar factories. The Pravara Sugar Co-operative FactoryLtd., established in 1949, made a success.