examlple of the report pls

Explanation: The first page of the report needs to have an introduction.
mark s the brainiest : )
you need to do as in the instructions
you can write, for example : I started by cutting colour papers in shape of flowers and tied them to a string to be hung on the door. I painted a flower pot with vibrant colours and hung it on the wall
(you can write whatever you did to decorate your house (: )
for this you can refer utube, if you dont know how to stitch
for example, you can write: I started by using an old cloth which was no longer usable. I cut it and stitched it to make a hand bag.. i felt the fabric was too plain, so i painted some designs on it to make it look cute. Then i wanted to stitch the button to one of my shirt which lost a button.
(write whatever you stitched!! Because I have no idea about stitching!✌)