English, asked by mayurishinde10, 6 months ago

Make a note making.
The decision of the Ministry of Environment and Forests to revalidate the environmental
clearance issued to South Korean steelmaker Posco for the proposed steel plant in
Oaisha is based on a piecemeal approach, rather than a comprehensive and cumulative
assessment of all parts of the project. It cannot claim to rely on sound judgment. What
distinguishes the proposal from the welter of projects before the Ministry is its major
Foreign Direct Investment potential, estimated at more than Rs. 50,000 crore. There is
little doubt that it will take massive investments to pull the masses out of deep poverty.
and new industries are vital to achieving this goal. Significant expansion of the economy
has taken place over the past two decades, creating much wealth. Unfortunately, this
has also coincided with grossly uneven distribution of negative externalities. In the case
of Posco, the acquisition of land has been a contentious issue, evoking strong protest
from local communities which remain unconvinced about the benefits. Evidently, neither
the project proponeni nor the Odisha government has come up with persuasive
arguments over the past eight years on why villagers should part with their land when
their livelihood is linked to it. Moreover, there is no effort to reach a consensus on the
renewal of environmental clearance, now for a production capacity of eight million
tonnes per annum, even with conditionalities that include spending on social
commitments' by Posco.


Answered by Anonymous


An alluvial plain is a largely flat landform created by the deposition of sediment over a long period of time by one or more rivers coming from highland regions, from which alluvial soil forms.

Answered by Jungkookie67


since he going to be home on CD see it this so to have fun.

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