example of own model communication.
Communication fits as a social science which goes unknown by many people. Other people view communication as strictly a humanity. People who view communication as strictly a humanity practice the study as a symbolic activity that shapes public response to political and ethical issues but have no way to scientifically test their ideas and theories. Researchers in the late 1920’s started to look at communication behaviors from a sociological or scientific approach which was observing measures in natural, everyday settings, or in their own labs. This is when research questions first started to emerge in the communication discipline, so that researchers and scientists were able to conduct experiments to test communication methods or finding answers to questions. Regardless of the view on addressing communication paths, social science and rhetoricians, address similar questions. Here are some areas in speech communication to help you decide whether it is a social science or a humanity.
Let us now learn about the various communication models:
- Aristotle Model of Communication.
- Berlo's Model of Communication.
- Shannon and Weaver Model of Communication.
- Schramm's Model of Communication.
- Helical Model of Communication.
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