English, asked by kuttappayi6565, 10 months ago

Example of realit sence and epistemic sencein real life


Answered by Rohit65k0935Me

The basic response to this question (whether you listen to ancient philosophy, early/late modern philosophy, or pretty much anybody who's thought much about it) is that "you could always be missing something".

Carneades: It's basically impossible to KNOW anything with certainty, because you can never know how much you don't know. But you have to live life, so just go with what seems the most reasonable to you.

Descartes: No matter how accurate and valid your experiences seem to you, it doesn't guarantee that you're not getting something horribly wrong / being tricked / living in The Matrix, etc. That's okay, I have a special argument about the existence of God that can solve this problem...

Hume: Just because you woke up today doesn't mean you'll wake up tomorrow. In fact, it's impossible to even give a PROBABILITY that you'll wake up tomorrow - because the past says nothing about the future.

Kant: We actually can't know much of ANYTHING about true reality (things as they are) - but only subjective reality (things as we see them). That's okay, because I have a special system on which to build a theory of the human mind, truly universal ethics, and even arguments about the existence of God.

Answered by genus23

They don't; that is not all do; for example the natural philosophers; most, of whom are now called scientists, and in antiquity physilogoi took their sense on trust; if you are going to physics as Galileo or even as Einstein did - you'd better be able to trust your measurements.

It was Descarte that popularised the view that one shouldn't trust one sense; but this is a travesty of his views; he was looking for a secure point from where to begin his theory of true and justified knowledge.I Hop it's help thanks

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