Example of regular flower
In a regular flower, all of the members of a single whorl, such as the petals, are similar in shape and size. Lilies and the apple tree, for example, bear regular flowers. Compare irregular flower
In a regular flower, all of the members of a single whorl, such as the petals, are similar in shape and size. Lilies and the apple tree, for example, bear regular flowers. Compare irregular flower.
1 Answer
Crocus. Small white flower that blooms with the first warm rays of spring sunshine.
Carnation. Strongly scented flower of various colors; it is sometimes worn as a boutonniere on special occasions.
Lily of the Valley. Small strongly scented bell-shaped white flower that grows in clusters.
Lily. ...
Begonia. ...
Violet. ...
Lilies and apple tree are example of regular flower
A radially symmetric flower is known as regular flower.