example of thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity
eg--1.transfer of heat in the spoon when it is in contact with any hot material.
2.conduction of electricity through wire
Everyday Examples of Heat or Thermal Conductivity
After a car is turned on, the engine becomes hot. The hood will become warm as heat is conducted from the engine to the hood. A radiator is a good example of conduction.
Everyday Example of Electrical Conductivity
Metals and plasma are examples of materials with high electrical conductivity. The element that is the best electrical conductor is silver a metal. Electrical insulators, such as glass and pure water, have poor electrical conductivity.
Additional Information:-
Q. Difference between Thermal Conductivity and Electrical Conductivity?
Thermal conductivity is inversely proportional to electrical conductivity in metals. thermal conductivity is proportional to electrical conductivity in metals. At low temperatures, conductivity increases with the addition of high valency atoms to the bulk lattice, as they provide more electrons to the lattice.