Example on always do your best. What you plant now you harvest later
“Always do you best, what you plant now, you will harvest later” -Og Mandino. I think this quote means that what you lay down now, you will have to deal with later. By that I mean, if you make a bad choice, do a bad thing, you will have to pay for it later. Also, if you are playing a sport during a game, and you don’t try your best, you will have to deal with it later. You brought it on yourself.
This relates to my life because I am always doing something that relates to sports. In the mornings, I have sports, in the afternoons, I have sports, and in the evenings, guess what, I have sports. When I go into my parents room at night saying I can’t sleep. My parents don’t say count sheep, they say count jump serves in volleyball. If I don’t do any of these trainings/ extra work(besides the jump serve thing) just because I don’t want to, I will have to deal with maybe not being the best, or not being in shape, or not being ahead of the other players (etc.) so it is all on me.
I would relate this quote to my current book character Emma. She has been “planting” so many things on herself like dog walking, cupcake club, homework, flute (etc.)that she just might crack. That is just what she did. She tried to do too many things at once and she couldn’t handle it. Luckily she has awesome friends and family that look after her and were there to be her net beneath her to catch her fall.