Biology, asked by heyman7, 11 months ago

examples of endocrine glands??

rohirestle: Pituitary,pancrease
abnish97: Examples of exocrine glands include sweat, salivary, mammary, ceruminous, lacrimal, sebaceous, and mucous.
rohirestle: Right
abnish97: May I ask one question to you?
rohirestle: Yeah


Answered by Anonymous
hey buddy !! here's your answer...

examples of endocrine glands are ---

◾hypothalamus -- releases gonadotropin-releasing hormone , Somatostatin, etc.

◾pituitary gland -- releases growth hormone , thyroid stimulating hormone , prolactin , etc.

◾Pineal gland -- releases melatonin

◾thyroid gland -- releases thyroxine , thyrocalcitonin

◾parathyroid gland --- releases parathyroid hormone

◾adrenal glands --- releases adrenaline and nor adrenaline , cortisol

◾pancreas --- releases insulin , glucagon.

hope it helps !! ❤️✌️

bonne journée !! ⭐⭐

abnish97: Examples of exocrine glands include sweat, salivary, mammary, ceruminous, lacrimal, sebaceous, and mucous.
Anonymous: endocrine !!!!!
abnish97: this is related to exocrine
Anonymous: read the question first
rohirestle: The above typed salivary and so and so are eg of exocrine
abnish97: Examples of exocrine glands include sweat, salivary, mammary, ceruminous, lacrimal, sebaceous, and mucous. Exocrine glands are one of two types of glands in the human body, the other being endocrine glands, which secrete their products directly into the bloodstream.
rohirestle: Correct
abnish97: thanks
abnish97: may I help you in one question
abnish97: A grinding wheel of mass 5.0kg and diameter 0.4 m is rotating with an angular speed of 2 rev S-1,calculate the torque which will increase its angular speed to 8 revolution per second in 2s.
Answered by Anonymous
Heya! !

Endocrine crine glands are those glands thar secrete their material into the duct.

Ther endocrine glands present in our body ::

1. PITUITARY GLAND : it is the Master gland of the all endocrine glands.
It secreted TSH and GH hormone.

2. Adrenal gland: it helps the body during emergency situarions :
It secrete the hormones Adrenaline.

3. THYROID GLAND : It helps in growth and development of the body.
It secret the thyroxine hormone.

4. PANCREAS : It is the HETEROCRINE GLAND. it helps in maintaining the blood sugar level. It secrete the hormones INSULIN.

5. Ovaries : It secrete the oestrogen hormone.

6. Testis : it secrete the progesterone hormone.

Hope it helps ✌ ✌

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