Physics, asked by pragnya35, 9 months ago

examples of nuclear fusion and fission reactions​


Answered by sunilgkp1


Example of Nuclear Fission

In nuclear power plants, energetic neutrons are directed into a sample of the isotope uranium-235. The energy from the neutrons can cause the uranium nucleus to break in any of a number of different ways. A common fission reaction produces barium-141 and krypton-92.

A common fission reaction produces barium-141 and krypton-92. In this particular reaction, one uranium nucleus breaks into a barium nucleus, krypton nucleus, and two neutrons. These two neutrons can go on to split other uranium nuclei, resulting in a nuclear chainreaction.

Answered by student485340


Fusion Reactions. Nuclear fusion is a process where two or more nuclei combine to form an element with a higher atomic number (more protons in the nucleus). Fusion is the reverse process of nuclear fission.

For example, the temperature at the core of the sun is around 15 million degrees Celsius. At this temperature coupled with a very high pressure, two isotopes of Hydrogen, Deuterium and Tritium, fuse to form Helium and releases the massive amount of energy in the form of heat.

Nuclear fission: In nuclear fission, an unstable atom splits into two or more smaller pieces that are more stable, and releases energy in the process. The fission process also releases extra neutrons, which can then split additional atoms, resulting in a chain reaction that releases a lot of energy.

For example, the fission of one kilogram of uranium releases as much energy as burning around four billion kilograms of coal.

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