Excretion of hypotonic urine in humans is associated best with the;
(A) glomerular capsule
(B) proximal convoluted tubule (PCT)
(C) loop of the Henle
(D) distal convoluted tubule (DCT)
I think best answer is loop of Henle because the concentration of urine actually depends upon the length of loop if loop is short then it must be cortical and produce hyptonic urine and if large then it produce hyoertonic urine all other parts perform their function in same way
The correct answer is (D) distal convoluted tubule excretes hypotonic urine in humans.
When urine goes through the collecting tubule it becomes hypotonic. Urine is of isotonic nature in the proximal convolute tubule. Urine nature becomes more and more hypotonic as it passes through Henle's loop and finally reaches DCT.
The nephron is the main part of the Kidney. It is divided into the Renal corpuscle, the proximal and distal convoluted tubule and Henle's loop.
The Ascending limb of Henle cannot intake water and only uptake electrolytes.
Hypotonic Urine is present in DCT because fluid present in DCT is less concentrated (so-called hypotonic) with respect to the ascending limb of Henle which is more concentrated than the DCT.